Thursday, November 20, 2008

If YOU could do anything What would it be????

Tell me your aspirations - your dreams. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Maybe your retired - what do you want to do - What's on your bucket list?


WHY? said...

My dreams and aspirations are very different and simple compared to what they were when I was young. What I want are loving relationships, to be a positive influence, and to over come my fears. Not specific, I know, but it is what is is:)

Roxy's Real Estate News said...

If it were that simple for all we'd live in a different world would we.
Thanks for your comments and visiting my blog.
Come back soon.

Real Estate RI & MA said...

Hi Roxy,
For now I like Real Estate. I would like to start a class called intro to social networking and blogging to help small business with advertising and obtaining/sharing information. I think it would also be great for people who have hobbies or families that live far apart from each other. It was very nice to come across your blog. You are the first I am following.